The Most Eco-Friendly Insulation Material

Any insulation material has only one intention or goal, and that is to reduce the extremes of temperature inside a house. It should work fine in both winter, as well as in summer months. In fact, a scientifically and professionally done home insulation in the attic, walls and in the floors can reduce your monthly energy bills to a great extent, by making your home energy-efficient. It is because you do not require the artificial form of heating and cooling throughout the year, when an insulation is in -place. So, you need to choose only the premium quality materials. Here in Pomona, CA, there are local insulation contractors that can help you choose the apt insulation material that is eco-friendly in composition and compact in nature.


This versatile insulation material is considered to be one of the most ‘environment-friendly’ in nature, as it consists of almost 85-90% paper-pulp or newsprint material. The remaining 10-15% consists of boric acid or ammonium sulphate that makes the insulation material resistant to fire that can be caused due to short-circuits and faulty electric cables. Cellulose is mostly used in attic insulation in Pomona, CA, and in almost all other areas of a house. In fact, this material is more eco-friendly than any other insulation substance, as it has an R-Value of R-3.5 per inch, which is similar to fibreglass, but has a higher percentage of recycled material. It is easily available any time of the year, and can be installed in between the walls, in the floor and in the attic or loft. Since Cellulose is available as a loose-fill product, a special machine is required to blow-in the insulation material into its designated place or cavity. After the insulation replacement in Pomona, CA, is done, your house is all set to brace for the freezing winter or harsh Californian summer.

Spray Foam

This is probably one of the most effective and compact home insulation materials available, as of today. Don’t know what’s going to come-up tomorrow. Spray Foam has a very impressive R-Value of R-6.5 per inch, and since you now get Spray Foam made of vegetable oil and Sy extracts, it is 100% ec-friendly when compared to its predecessors that had some petroleum content. And, only the certified insulation contractors in Pomona, CA, can help install such premium quality insulation materials at home. It is the attic and walls that need the maximum insulation material. With the latest spray machine, the spray foam is blown-in into the space in a compact manner, thus leaving no room for cavities or unwanted space. In fcat, spray foam is denser than Cellulose, as it consists of small granules that settles down perfectly and in an even manner throughout the wall or floor cavity. Thus, preventing the heat inside the house from escaping via the attic during winter or the warm air coming from outside during the summer.

These two are probably the most used insulation material in the US and in the state of California, where there are extremes of temperature in the northern and southern parts of the state. A lot of homeowners are either replacing their old and ineffective insulation, or installing a completely new insulation material for their newly bought house in ‘Cellulose’ or ‘Spray Foam’ material. You can choose any one, as per your liking.